Cloud Security Test

  • Detect Unprotected Cloud Storage
  • Discover Shadow Cloud Accounts
  • Detect IAM Misconfigurations
  • Prevent Data Leaks and Breaches
Free online tool to test cloud security
2,212,224cloud security tests performed

Cloud Security Test for CI/CD

Cloud Security Test can be seamlessly integrated into your CI/CD pipeline to automatically check unprotected or misconfigured cloud storage. You can use a Docker image or a Python script as described below.

Installing Python Script

Create virtual environment and install dependencies. Python >= 3.7 required.

git clone "" && cd iwtools/iwtools

python3 -m venv env

source ./env/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt


Check your unprotected or misconfigured cloud storage hosted by cloud service providers:

Start a new test with quick scan or get the results from cache:
./ cloud
Get raw API response in JSON format:
./ cloud --format raw_json
Force to refresh the test with quick scan using an API key
./ cloud --api-key ABCDE-12345-FGHIJ-67890 --refresh
Force to refresh the test with full scan using an API key
./ cloud --api-key ABCDE-12345-FGHIJ-67890 --refresh --quick false
Start a new test with quick scan or get the results from cache using iwtools/Docker:
docker run immuniweb/iwtools cloud

Check other command line options here.

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